Course Offerings

Introduces major concepts used by sociologists to understand and predict the behavior of individuals in group settings.
This course is a professional orientation designed to provide an overview of various internship opportunities, career pathways, 以及该学科的研究生选择. In addition, 这门课程是学术写作的入门课程, ethics, 以及社会学、社会和人类服务方面的研究. 学生不能获得SOC 201、CJ 201和PSYC 201的学分.
SOC-210 Deviance and Crime (3 credits)
检查越轨行为和犯罪通过一些社会学, psychological, and criminological perspectives.
Focuses on major social, economic, political, and environmental issues confronting the modern world. Covers both global and U.S. issues.
根据项目需要或学生兴趣选择主题. Prerequisite: Economics 101, Geography 240, Political Science 100, Psychology 121, or Sociology 105.
A sociological social psychology course. Explores social interaction, selective perception, human symbolic behavior, language, social structure, emotions, perceptions and memory, sexuality, development of self, identity, aging, and deviance. 先决条件:SOC 105或讲师的许可.
SOC-330 Community Organization (3 credits)
探讨社区组织和发展的基础知识, with special attention to urbanized areas. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: SOC 105 or SOC 230; or permission of instructor.
SOC-335 Marriage and Family (3 credits)
旨在深入了解不断变化的求偶行为, martial, 以及上个世纪美国的家庭模式. 研究家庭作为社会机构的历史和重要性, and the different forms and configurations of the family found in modern America. Prerequisite: SOC 105 or SOC 230; or permission of instructor.
检查健康和医疗保健的非生物方面. 主题包括健康的社会定义, 健康产业专业化, patient-practitioner relationships, and the organization of health care systems in the United States and other countries. Prerequisite: SOC 105, SOC 230, PH 190, or PH 195; or permission of instructor.
涵盖定量和定性社会学研究方法. 主题包括理论与研究之间的关系, conceptualization, operationalization, hypothesis, and model development and sampling. 具体的数据收集技术包括调查设计, field studies, secondary analysis, unobtrusive measures, and experimental techniques. Discusses ethical issues and responsibilities in social science research and the limits of the scientific method in social science. 前提条件:社会学或刑事司法专业或导师许可.
Recommended for students desiring an introductory statistics course which emphasizes application and interpretation. 涵盖行为研究中使用的基本统计技术. Studies frequently used descriptive and inferential statistics with emphasis on the interpretation of quantitative data and statistical reasoning in behavioral research. 先决条件:SOC 343和刑事司法或社会学专业.
SOC-350 Popular Culture (3 credits)
通过探索种族来检验流行文化的社会学影响, class, gender, sexuality, 和家庭通过电影的文化镜头, television, and music. 主题包括种族形象的变化, class, gender, sexuality, 家庭在上个世纪反映了文化价值和理想, 以及它们对文化和美国身份的相互影响. Prerequisite: SOC 105 or SOC 230; or permission of instructor.
Intensive analysis of sociological topics not covered in regular course offerings. Provides greater depth to topics of special interest or explores changing areas of sociological study. Repeatable course up to 3 credit hours; content changes each time course is offered. Prerequisites: SOC 105 and SOC 230; or permission of instructor.
SOC-371 Love and Attraction (1 credit)
Examines the theoretical frameworks and research findings on human social relationships, exploring the social norms, values, attitudes, and behaviors of love and attraction. 主题包括:爱与吸引的社会建构, cross-historical definitions of love, acceptable forms of love, problematic aspects of love and attraction, 人际吸引力的发展, intimacy, and attachment styles. Prerequisites: SOC 105 and SOC 230; or permission of instructor.
Intensive methodological training in qualitative interviewing with a focus on skill development and experiential learning in interview techniques. Prerequisites: SOC 105, SOC 230 and junior or senior standing; or permission of instructor.
SOC-380 Applied Research Lab (1 credit)
Provides opportunities for collaborative undergraduate applied research using sociological research techniques to gather project-based information. This research is conducted with the guidance and supervision of a faculty member. 前提条件:社会学或刑事司法专业, 由指导教员赞助, and junior or senior standing; or permission of instructor.
SOC-386 Death and Dying (3 credits)
探索死亡学-死亡的研究-使用社会学的镜头. 研究美国社会如何塑造对死亡的态度和行为, death, and bereavement. 学习主题包括:文化传统, rituals, practices, and attitudes toward death, 关于死亡和临终的自我意识和价值认同, grief and bereavement, 死亡对人一生的影响, and end-of-life planning. Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing and SOC 105 or SOC 230; or permission of instructor.
考察古典和当代社会学理论, 以及微观和宏观社会学方法. 一般的理论框架包括建构主义, functionalism, conflict theory, feminism, symbolic interactionism, postmodernism, network analysis, and integrated theories. Prerequisites: SOC 105 or SOC 230; junior or senior standing; or permission of instructor.
研究世界人口结构的变化及其对社会的影响, economic, environmental, 以及国家间的政治关系. Explores the transformation to a global society and the basic concepts of globalization, as well as how the relationships between human societies and the larger natural environment are affected by demographic pressures and global needs. Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing; or permission of instructor.
SOC-435 Sex, Gender, & Sexualities (3 credits)
This course explores the social norms, values, 期望影响态度,也受态度的影响, beliefs, 以及与性别和性有关的行为. The course examines the different and changing cultural understandings of gender roles and sexuality, and the social construction of both. Prerequisite: SOC 105 or SOC 230, junior or senior standing; or permission of instructor.
Studies the sociology of United States and global minority and ethnic relations. Examines class, ethnic, gender, and racial stratification, and power and inequality. 分析民族融合和多元文化的模式. Details the social and psychological dimensions of discrimination and prejudice, 以及种族和民族冲突和和解. Prerequisite: SOC 105 or SOC 230; or permission of instructor.
社会学的顶点教育经历, offering students the opportunity to use their substantive and methodological training to complete and present an original research project. 先决条件:SOC 343, 344和社会学或刑事司法专业.
SOC-460 Aging and Society (3 credits)
推荐给任何想要全面介绍老年学的学生. Examines the social response to aging in American society and in other countries. Emphasis on the roles of elders in the familial, religious, political, and economic institutions. Prerequisite: SOC 105 or SOC 230, junior or senior standing; or permission of instructor.
Provides opportunities for undergraduate research that involve literature review, data collection, analysis, and formal reporting. This research is conducted with the guidance and supervision of a department faculty member. May be repeated for a maximum of 2 hours. Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing; or permission of instructor; 由指导教员赞助.
SOC-494 Directed Study (3 credits)
提供专业进修的机会. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
SOC-496 Internship (1-6 credits)
Internships available to majors of junior or senior standing who have completed core courses. GPA requirements must be met and student must file an internship application with advisor.
为大三或大四的学生提供综合性的, 有教学和社会学教学方面的指导经验. Designed for students who are preparing for graduate study in the social sciences. GPA requirements must be met and students must file a teaching internship application with advisor. Prerequisites: Sociology major, 由指导教员赞助, junior or senior standing, or permission of instructor. (1-2 credits).
SOC-560 Aging and Society (3 credits)
推荐给任何想要全面介绍老年学的学生. Examines the social response to aging in American society and in other countries. Emphasis on the roles of elders in the familial, religious, political, and economic institutions. Prerequisite: SOC 105 or SOC 230 and junior or senior standing; or permission of instructor.
This graduate course explores thanatology - the study of death - using a sociological lens. 检查对死亡的态度和行为, death, 从各种理论和比较的角度来看待丧亲之痛. 学习主题包括:文化传统, rituals, practices, and attitudes toward death; self-awareness and value identification concerning death and dying; grief and bereavement; 死亡对人一生的影响; and end-of-life planning.