
我们邀请您在2月1日之前在UEngage上成为和RA -申请



Each semester, the Office of 居住生活 opens a process for filling position vacancies.

您可以在 UEngage 在形式.

The resident Assistant Position provides opportunities for growth and leadership for both the Resident Assistant and the students on his or her floor.

RA所做的每件事都有影响! 午餐时与居民的对话, 为有需要的学生提供资源, 提供大学政策和程序方面的指导, 所提供的正式和非正式项目, all have a significant impact on the experience of residents and the atmosphere of the hall.

在宿舍或校园“村庄”服务,” the Resident Assistant is a full-time undergraduate student whose responsibility is to serve as a student advisor to 15-60 undergraduate students, 取决于它们的位置. The RA is a part-time staff member of the 居住生活 Office and the Division of Student Affairs. 以这种身份, 总的责任是提供领导, 援助, 并支持住在他们所在地区的学生. Each Resident Assistant serves in diverse roles with many different responsibilities. 与专业人员合作, the Resident Assistant strives to facilitate and maximize the residential experience.

由于职位的性质, a large portion of the Resident Assistant's responsibilities is spontaneous and unscheduled. 结果是, each staff member must carefully organize time commitments to meet the demands of academics, RA位置, 个人兴趣.


申请材料: 所有的申请和推荐表格都可以通过电子方式在 UEngage 在“形式.”

引用: 我们要求每位申请人提供两封推荐信. Those individuals serving as references can use the link above to fill out the form directly. 推荐人可以是任何能证明申请人职业道德的人, 可靠性, 字符, 专业, 等. The most common references are current or past RAs, supervisors, employers, teachers, or professors. 推荐人不应该是亲密的家人或朋友.

选择过程: 面试在学生参与中心进行. A link to sign up for interview availability will be sent to you after you have submitted your application. 最终面试时间将通过电子邮件发送.

RA取向: All newly hired RA's are asked to complete an RA Orientation (date and times TBD). 除了迎新会, new RA's will be expected to prepare for their position before the end of the semester through activities such as shadowing current RAs. Further details will be provided once the selection process has been completed.


朋辈辅导及转介: 居民助理 provide paraprofessional counseling and advising in the areas of personal, 社会, 以及学术问题. 对于需要更多专业知识的问题, students are referred to the various resources available at the University and the larger community. 提供基本咨询和转诊技术的培训课程.

活动策划: 居民助理 are asked to implement a balance of high quality educational and community development events for their floor and building. 在直接主管的指导下, RAs will work individually and in groups to accomplish the event planning goals of their building.

建立社区意识: A significant task for the RA is to provide or support activities that assist students in developing a sense of belonging with the other members of the residence hall. 除了, 通过正式或非正式的社区发展战略, RA努力帮助学生建立共同的目标和标准, 以及尊重每个学生的独特性.

一般行政及建筑范围: Among the duties assigned are those involving routine paper work and other administrative tasks needed to help a community run efficiently. 这些任务可能包括, 但不限于, 完成个人房间和公共区域的状况报告, 以及不当行为的记录. 居民助理 also have regular rotating duty coverage of their building or unit on weekdays and weekends. 除了, staffs are expected to be present in the building prior to all openings and closings.

应用技巧: RAs will be challenged to use their skills and training to respond effectively to the various situations that may arise. It is very important that 居民助理 provide and encourage experiences contributing to beneficial outcomes for their individual residents and the living unit as a whole.


  • 最少2个.5 cumulative grade point average is required at time of application and must be maintained throughout employment. 如果你的学期平均分在2分以下.5, the RA will be required to evaluate their academic performance and work performance with their supervisor.
  • The RA must be in good standing (behaviorally) with the University at the time of application and throughout employment.
  • RA必须完成至少两个学期的大学学习, 在合同开始日期之前(至少一个学期).
  • The RA must be a full-time undergraduate resident student (12-18 credit hours), 除非宿舍生活处处长另有许可.
  • The RA must be available at least two and a half weeks prior to the start of fall classes and one week prior to the start of spring classes. 以及两个学期结束后最多一周的时间.
  • RA最好在整个学年都有效, 然而, the Office of 居住生活 supports study abroad and other opportunities.
  • The RA is required to participate fully in the 居住生活 training program.
  • The RA will be given ongoing performance appraisals by his/her supervisor in order to enhance and strengthen skills.
  • Outside employment and work study other than that of Resident Assistant must have prior approval from the immediate supervisor and the Director of 居住生活. Employment and other non-academic commitments should not interfere with job performance.
  • RA必须成功通过背景调查.



  • RA奖学金可以全额支付住宿费.
  • 一间单人房,不另收费
  • 培训和在职经历让你与众不同!
  • 它可以是纯粹的乐趣!
