SOAR Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is SOAR?
  2. Who attends SOAR?
  3. When is SOAR?
  4. How do I register for SOAR?
  5. What is the cost for participation in the SOAR?
  6. What testing will be required before SOAR?
  7. 我必须向大学健康中心提供哪些健康信息?
  8. 我如何请求我的电脑、笔记本电脑、UE电子邮件等方面的技术支持?
  9. How do I obtain a Student ID Card?
  10. How do I obtain a parking permit?
  11. How do I apply for student housing and a meal plan?
  12. How do I know what textbooks are required for my courses?
  13. Additional questions?

What is SOAR?

SOAR代表学生入学指导和学术注册. 这是一个全面的迎新课程,所有新生都必须参加. 课程在夏季和春季开始上课之前提供.

一旦学生向英国威廉希尔中文网站提交入学保证金, they may then register for SOAR. 学生和家庭将在注册翱翔日之前观看一系列信息视频.

Who attends SOAR?

The SOAR program is a day-long, in-person program. 所有新入学的学生都必须出席一个SOAR.

When is SOAR?

SOAR Registration will open mid-March.

  • SOAR I Friday, June 28, 2024
  • SOAR II Friday, July 12, 2024
  • SOAR III Friday, August 16, 2024

学生选择最适合他们家庭需要的SOAR课程. Plan your schedule to check-in on campus from 7:15-7:45 a.m. CST. The program runs from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. More details will be sent closer to your SOAR date.

How do I register for SOAR?

已被大学录取并已缴纳押金的学生将收到一封电子邮件,邀请他们注册SOAR. 学生及其家人的注册将由学生在预订SOAR时在线处理.

What is the cost for participation in the SOAR?


What testing will be required before SOAR?
注册办公室将向新生提供考试信息. Please contact that office at 812-488-2601 or by email at if you have any questions. Testing accommodations 由残疾服务助理主任处理,可通过大学咨询中心致电812-488-2663或发送电子邮件至

All new incoming students are required to submit an updated, 在英国威廉希尔中文网站开始上课之前,医生认证的免疫记录和身体检查. Visit 若要了解运行状况要求、获取适当的表格并注册新帐户, using your University of Evansville email address. 按照Med+Proctor的说明完成这个过程. 请不要将您的免疫记录邮寄给大学或健康中心.

学生不符合英国威廉希尔中文网站的健康要求开始上课, 冒着上课和住在住宅的风险. 如果您对健康要求有任何疑问,请联系UE健康中心 or 812-488-2033. 如果你正在服用处方药或有持续的健康问题, now is the time to secure a local physician and pharmacy.


技术服务办公室(OTS)帮助台可拨打812-488-2077或访问 OTS website. 电子邮件被认为是大学业务沟通的主要手段. Please check your email on a regular basis.

How do I obtain a Student ID Card?

已被大学录取并已缴纳押金的学生将收到一封电子邮件,指示他们发送照片,照片将用于他们的身份证. Photos are due by August 1, 2024. 身份证将于8月17日(周六)迎新周报到时发放. 那些参加SOAR III并提前入住的学生将收到一封详细的电子邮件,告知他们如何获得身份证.

How do I obtain a parking permit?

所有学生在学年期间在校园内停车,必须持有停车许可证. 停车许可证将在欢迎周期间提供,在SOAR期间不提供. 有关此过程的更多信息,请查看您的大学电子邮件.

How do I apply for student housing and a meal plan?

住宿生活办公室处理学生住宿和膳食计划预订. 有关如何申请住房和膳食计划的信息将在3月初通过电子邮件发送给学生. In the meantime, visit the residence life website 探索可用的选择,并了解更多关于住宅生活. The residence life office phone is 812-488-2956.

How do I know what textbooks are required for my courses?

At any point during the summer, students can go to the Bookstore website to see what texts are required for their courses. 如需查询当前课程安排或注册课程,请访问网站 Self-Service.

Ordering Books: On the Find Course Materials page, select the correct term, department, course number, 从下拉菜单中找到所有课程的课程编号. 点击底部的“检索材料”按钮,将生成您的课程材料列表. From there, simply add them to the cart and check out! 如果你获得体育奖学金或需要将教科书记入你的学生账户, 请确保在付款选项中选择“经济援助”. 如果你打算租课本,请注意, 您还需要在帐户中添加一张信用卡来保护这些书籍, 哪些只在退货时损坏或丢失时才收费.

View our Bookstore Information sheet 有关书籍回购,租赁,预订等更多细节.


Additional questions?

Please feel free to contact the Center for Student Engagement at 812-488-2371 for assistance. We're here to help!