

The 英国威廉希尔中文网站 Dunigan Family School of 护理’s mission is to develop nurse leaders and agents of change in their 社区.


The philosophy of 英国威廉希尔中文网站 Baccalaureate 护理 program is in harmony with the philosophy of the University. The American Nurses’ Association Social Policy Statement (2010) defines nursing as “the protection, 促销活动, 健康和能力的优化, 预防疾病和伤害, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, 并倡导对个人的关怀, 家庭, 社区, 和人口”(p.10). This emphasis on human responses as its primary concern recognizes nursing as a caring art. 因此, we believe that the foundation for nursing is a liberal arts and sciences-based curriculum.

这个项目的理念包括关于 人、环境、健康、学习和护理 源于多种学科的. These beliefs support the conceptual framework of the curriculum designed to prepare broadly educated 人 capable of participating in the multi-disciplinary delivery of health care. 我们重视自我责任, 自治, 无私的关怀, 领导, 和学识作为专业护士的素质.

我们认为 (个人和群体)有身体的, 心, and spirit in an integral relationship that is more than the sum of the parts. People have the unique capability of abstract thinking and reflection that allows them to derive meaning from the human condition. 人是有情众生, and their feelings and emotions are an expression of the integrated whole. They are paradoxical in that self is partly defined by meaningful relationships with others while it retains its own uniqueness. People experience development of incredible complexity across the life span.

环境 pertains to the contextual field in which 人 live and function responsively. 它由多种物理结构组成, 社会, economic and cultural influences upon individuals and aggregates within the environment as they seek integration and balance. Human interaction necessitates the formation of moral/ethical approaches and the development of values and beliefs that contribute to an evolving view of society and its relationship to the world.

健康 is a concept that seeks to encompass the personal experience of well-being. 它具有功能性, 情感, and spiritual dimensions that relate to integral dynamic balance within the environment.

护理 是一个不断发展的知识体系吗. Theoretical concepts used in the discipline of nursing are derived from nursing science and tradition and from constructs and theories applied from other sciences and traditions. 护理 science is advanced by quantitative and qualitative research and by reflective analysis of practice.

我们让我们的学生从事创造性的事业 学习. Learning ultimately is a self-motivated, active process that enhances life- long development. 老师可以促进学习, mentors and peers and is nurtured in an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect.

护士使用治疗互动, 护理过程, 以及规划和管理医疗保健的批判性思维. They are concerned about the dynamic interaction between environment and 人 and its potential impact upon health. Nurses use 领导 and political action to influence emergence of a global view that incorporates the concept of “health for all” as an ideal.


The goal of 英国威廉希尔中文网站 Baccalaureate 护理 program is to prepare a liberally educated professional nurse. The Professional Nurse graduating from this program has the following attributes:

  1. Has mastered the University General Education component that has prepared them for the diversity of human experiences and engaging the skills of critical thinking.
  2. Applies knowledge from the discipline of nursing to support critical thinking necessary for reflective practice.
  3. Committed to altruistic service with sensitivity to the needs of vulnerable groups in society.
  4. Practices as a member of a multidisciplinary team at a level consistent with beginning professional practice.
  5. Competent and safe in nursing modalities of care in a variety of settings at a level consistent with beginning professional practice.
  6. Competent in 领导 and management skills at a level consistent with beginning professional practice.
  7. Committed to self-directed 学习 as a means to improve practice and add to the body of knowledge in nursing.
  8. Practices within the moral, ethical, and legal framework of the nursing profession.




Students’ achievement in completion of the 护理 program:



100 percent of graduates are employed as a professional nurse or enrolled in graduate school within six months of graduation (2021).