
On-校园 Opportunities

In addition to the required study abroad program, the Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures partners with other offices on the University of Evansville campus to offer students opportunities to enhance their linguistic and cultural knowledge and skills - all while forming lifelong bonds with both international and US students at the University.

Among those activities offered to all foreign language students are:

  • 国际 Connection Housing.

  • Language Clubs and Tables, 西班牙电影俱乐部, 国际俱乐部, 法国表, 西班牙“拉”, 西班牙医疗集团, 和Stammtisch.

  • An opportunity to give campus tours in foreign languages.

  • 国际 House is a weekly cultural program open to all American and international students interested in learning about the diverse cultures represented on campus. Activities include culture nights, group outings, dances, and panel discussions. Meeting people through these programs provides not only insight into other cultures, but also lifelong friendships that span the globe.

  • 国际 Education Week offers students a week-long, campus-wide schedule of activities designed to highlight and celebrate UE's international connections and expand cultural awareness across campus. 事件, a joint initiative of the US Department of State and the US Department of Education, promotes international education and offers activities that prepare students to be citizens of a global environment. It was celebrated for the first time in 2000 and today is celebrated in over 100 countries.

  • Students receive one-on-one support from the Center for Career Development when applying for prestigious scholarships, including the Rhodes Scholarship, Fulbright Scholarship, Harding Scholarship Competition, and more.

Volunteer Opportunities and Internships

  • 的 National Language Service Corps is looking for volunteers to work on assignments using their foreign language skills. One can select assignments and plan in advance. Recently, they sent bilingual aid workers to Haiti and also pay a travel and service stipend.

  • 博仁奖计划 funds study abroad opportunities for critical languages, which include both 法国 and 西班牙语.

  • 访问 intelligencecareers.政府 to learn more about federal 政府ernment career opportunities and job openings in the U.S. 情报机构.

  • Experiential learning opportunities. Tutor high school and UE students in a foreign language. Teach English to ESL students in the community at local churches and high schools. Help translate Salvation Army financial aid forms into 西班牙语 for community members. Provide translation at medical clinics. Speak with families in the Evansville Hispanic 社区 in 西班牙语 to determine what Christmas gifts the Salvation Army will buy those children.

  • Internships using your foreign language skills both here and abroad! Work with your Foreign Languages and Cultures advisors and with 的 Center for Career Development to find internships requiring foreign language skills.

  • Major in a foreign language and become a foreign language teacher.

Internship Experiences From Ue Graduates