
UE, Warrick County School Corp. Partner for Teaching and Learning Pathway

英国威廉希尔中文网站(UE)与沃瑞克县学校公司(WCSC)合作, 正在为那些对运动科学/物理治疗和教育感兴趣的高中生开设一个新的课程吗.

Warrick县的学生参加了运动科学/物理治疗途径和教育专业毕业途径,将有机会同时完成高中和大专课程并获得学分. 然后,这些课程有资格作为大学学分转移到爱丁堡大学或其他接受大学学分转移的大学.

这些课程将在新开发的Warrick Pathways职业中心(WPCC)教授.) The facility is scheduled to open in Fall 2023, 参加衔接课程的学生将有机会在学习课程的同时获得UE学分.

"This is positive for both Warrick County students and the University of Evansville," said Dean of the College of Education and Health Sciences Mary Kessler. "Students benefit from access to higher education resources and coursework, which can help them better prepare for their future academic and career goals. Additionally, 学生有可能加速完成他们的本科学位, gain valuable exposure to UE faculty and students, and in some cases enter the workforce earlier. 这种伙伴关系有助于解决与高等教育成本和劳动力短缺有关的问题."

Through the partnership, 奖学金支持将提供给成功完成这两个新阶段学习项目之一的学生. Upon admission, students will be offered a minimum $25,000 annual scholarship at UE. 该协议还允许学生直接进入几个UE健康科学项目的资格.

“这个项目为沃瑞克县地区的学生提供了接受高等教育的绝佳机会," said WCSC Director of Learning and Incoming Superintendent Abbie Redmon. “这将为我们当地的高中生提供一种额外的方式来完成他们的教育,从而促进他们未来事业的成功."

Mary Kessler Named as a 2019 ATHENA Award Finalist

Mary Kessler, dean of the College of Education and Health Sciences at UE, has been named one of the 2019 ATHENA Award® finalists. 



"From assisting in career decisions, to helping advance careers, 玛丽鼓励女性充分发挥自己的潜力,并在此过程中不断帮助她们."

"While achieving a high level in her own career, Mary serves as a role model to many women, both young and mature. Regardless of her professional demands, 玛丽致力于在包括工程在内的许多领域指导女性的追求, law, health and other professions, is an advocate for women in our community, and inspires women to attain the highest level within their careers. Most importantly, 玛丽提倡工作与生活的平衡,以及职业女性找时间照顾自己的重要性,以便在家庭和工作中做到最好."

"Mary has been the recipient of UE’s Global Scholar Award, as well as the Dean’s Outstanding Professor Award for her work with students, and the Student’s Award for Advisor of the Year. 她在研究过程中指导物理治疗专业的学生,并在国家专业会议上发表了几项研究. 玛丽还因其在完成[斯通家庭健康科学中心]方面的领导作用而受到认可."

雅典娜奖®自20世纪90年代以来一直由西南印第安纳商会主办. The 2019 recipient will be announced at the annual ATHENA Award® Luncheon on February 22, 2019. 

Other finalists include: Gina Gibson, executive director at Evansville Christian Life Center; Deena Laska Lewis, founder and choreographer at Children's Center for Dance Education; Millie Marshall, president of Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indiana; Susan Parsons, CFO at Koch Enterprises; and Carrie Roelle, partner at Kahn, Dees, Donovan, & Kahn, LLP. 

雅典娜国际是一家总部位于芝加哥的非营利组织,由玛莎·默茨于1982年创立. In addition to supporting, developing, and honoring women leaders, 该组织寻求在全球范围内创造领导力平衡,激励女性充分发挥她们的潜力. Since the program’s inception in 1982, nearly 6,000 leaders in more than 500 communities have received the ATHENA Award®.

High Schoolers Can Earn College Credit Through UE’s Online Health Sciences Certificate

对健康职业感兴趣的高中三年级和四年级学生可以通过英国威廉希尔中文网站的健康科学证书课程获得大学学分. 这个在线课程提供了接触各种健康科学学科的机会,让参与者在未来与健康相关的职业生涯中处于领先地位.


  • Athletic Training
  • Clinical Laboratory Science
  • Exercise and Sport Science
  • Nursing
  • Public Health

Additionally, 该证书为以下课程提供了先决条件:物理治疗师助理, Physical Therapy, and Physician Assistant Science.

“这个证书为学生开始他们的大学生涯提供了竞争优势,” said Mary Kessler, dean of the College of Education and Health Science at UE. “课程可以满足学生的个人需求和日程安排,而费用只是学费的一小部分.”

The program provides up to 13 hours of college credit. The certificate includes five core courses and one elective, all taught online for $125 per credit hour, plus a semester-based registration and technology fee of $85.

The Health Sciences Certificate program is limited to high school juniors and seniors. 课程每年秋季和春季学期在线提供,为期8周或16周.

More information and online registration can be found at

UE Physical Therapy students, alumni, and sports residents help high school athletes prevent injuries



The team was led by UE PT professors Kyle Kiesel and Bethany Huebner; UE/ProRehab sports residents Sam Callahan and Danielle Honnette, and UE alumni Kyle Matsel, Franny Matsel, Kim Moors, and Paul Gorman; and first year DPT students Jessika Volz, Ben Johnson, and A.J. Herrmann.

Physical Therapy students, alumni, and sports residents posing to gather for photo