

Hear senior 尼古拉斯Takebayashi talk about the research opportunities he has had during his time at UE.

所有化学和生物化学的学生都有机会参与本科研究项目. Normally students will work with a faculty member in the department on a project of mutual interest. Funding for research can be provided by the University's UExplore 本科研究 Program. 化学系还通过礼来本科研究补助金和系校友的慷慨捐赠提供资金. Presently the stipend for 10 weeks of summer research is $3,500 with free on-campus housing.

To apply for departmental funds for summer research, please download and complete the linked 申请表 and hand it in to the Department office no later than December 1.

A few examples of ongoing faculty research projects include:

  • 分析或环境化学-多抗体免疫亲和分离平台的发展和重金属在当地环境的测定
  • 生物化学 - the study of an enzyme that may play a role in insulin resistance and diabetes
  • 无机化学 - the synthesis of catalysts for the production of hydrogen fuel
  • 有机化学 - the development of new methods for solid-phase synthesis of organic molecules
  • 物理化学-多种激光技术的发展,用于研究分子的高激发态电子


We had 17 students work in our labs on summer undergraduate research projects. Students were supported through generous gifts and grants from Dr. 理查德和朱迪·沃格尔,G. Richard和Rita Eykamp捐赠主席基金,以及UExplore. Below is a brief description of the various research projects.

  • 分析化学: Real-time analysis of surface molecules on tree leaves.
  • 生物化学: A study of the kinetics of a dehydrogenase enzyme and the effect of inhibitors.
  • 无机化学: Synthesis of water-soluble catalysts for hydrogenation reactions; synthesis of metal-pincer catalysts for dehydrogenative coupling reactions.
  • 有机化学: Synthesis of purine scaffolds that will provide a therapeutic effect when bound to DNA and enzymes; development of a green chemistry experiment for the undergraduate chemistry laboratory using an asymmetric organocatalyst; organic synthesis using Fischer carbenes and stereochemical control; development of cyclopropane-containing compounds for ring-opening polymerization reactions.
  • 物理化学: Analysis of the molecular motion of an imine using magnetic resonance; using laser double resonance to examine emission spectra from highly excited electronic states of iodine.


三个学生,连同博士. 托托, attended the Spring National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, 是在奥兰多举行的吗, 佛罗里达. 在博士实验室工作的学生. 托德和博士. Slade had the opportunity to present their research results to the national ACS community.


The summer of 2018 we had 13 students working on undergraduate research projects. Research projects covered a diverse range of topics: organic synthesis and computational chemistry; analytical chemistry and mass spectrometry; biochemistry and supramolecular chemistry; and 无机 chemistry and catalysis. Students were supported through generous gifts and grants from Dr. 理查德和朱迪·沃格尔,G. Richard and Rita Eykamp Endowed Chair Fund, Eli Lilly and Company, and UExplore.

Once again, one of the highlights of the summer was an 国际 PotLuck Lunch. Students and faculty brought dishes to share representing countries from all over the world.


博士在读学生. 托德的研究小组参加了在夏洛特举行的2017年美国化学学会东南地区会议(SERMACS), NC. 学生们有机会展示他们关于加氢和脱氢催化的研究工作的海报.


This summer the department had 13 students working on undergraduate research projects. Students were supported through generous gifts and grants from Dr. 理查德和朱迪·沃格尔,G. Richard and Rita Eykamp Endowed Chair Fund, Eli Lilly and Company, and UExplore. Student research topics included the preparation of an imine compound and the NMR analysis of cyano rotation/inversion dynamics; mass spectrochemical analysis of compounds on the surface of tree leaves; synthesis and characterization of hydrogenation catalysts; organic synthesis using Fischer carbenes and stereochemical control; characterization of a dehydrogenase enzyme; design and synthesis of therapeutic DNA minor groove binders using the principles of supramolecular chemistry.

One of the highlights of the summer was an 国际 PotLuck Lunch. Students and faculty brought dishes to share representing such as Thailand, 越南, 德国, 意大利, 当然还有美国的各个地区.

UE Student presents research at 2016 Eli Lilly 本科研究 Conference

Bailee Lamberson和Dr. 托托, 他的研究顾问, 前往印第安纳波利斯, 印第安纳州, to attend the Eli Lilly and Company 本科研究 Conference. Bailee's work was supported by an Eli Lilly Summer 本科研究 Grant. 在参观研究设施时, Bailee was able to tour the many research labs and meet and talk with Lilly scientists.


This summer the department had 10 students working on undergraduate research projects. Students were supported through generous gifts and grants from Dr. 理查德和朱迪·沃格尔,G. Richard and Rita Eykamp Endowed Chair Fund, Eli Lilly and Company, and UExplore. Student research topics included the development of "smart" therapeutics; creation and testing of hydrogenation catalysts; examination of a dehydrogenase enzyme; the development of reactions exhibiting stereochemical control; profiling surface compounds on tree leaves; and the study of energy transfer and dynamics in small molecules.

UE Students at 2016 Butler University 本科研究 Conference

In April 2016 seven UE chemistry students, along with Dr. 托德和博士. Lampkins, attended the 本科研究 Conference at Butler University in 印第安纳州polis. Students presented their research projects in the form of presentations and research posters.


In August 2015 four UE chemistry students, along with Dr. 托托, attended the National Meeting of the American Chemical Society held in Boston. Matt Abele和Andrea Onyett展示了一份研究海报,概述了金属螯化合物在转移氢化催化中的合成和应用. 陪同他们的是汉娜·克拉克和斯科特·格雷迪. 除了会议之外, 他们参观了麻省理工学院的研究实验室, 以及波士顿市内和周边的许多历史遗迹.


This summer the department had 13 students working on undergraduate research projects. 四个学生(斯科特·格雷迪), 哈姆扎汗, Mandy Feagans and Michelle Lecklider) worked in the Lampkins lab. 他们工作的主要目标是开发针对和治疗疾病的“智能”疗法.

Andrea Onyett, Matthew Abele and Chan Hoon Jung worked with Dr. 托托sapon; they developed metal-pincer catalysts for transfer hydrogenation reactions of biomass-derived substrates.

Dr. 米勒的学生, 泰米芒罗, examined the effect of phytoestrogens on the regulation of a dehydrogenase enzyme.

Chosila Sutantawibul和Hannah Clark在Dr. 林奇的物理化学研究实验室. They studied the NMR dynamics and laser spectroscopy of small molecules.

Dr. 斯莱德的实验室里有三个研究生. 凯瑟琳·赫尔希, Andy Romisch和Michael Mannchen发现了具有立体化学控制的环戊烷反应和二硫烷反应.

All thirteen students worked for 10 weeks in the lab; funding was provided by a generous gift from Dr. 鲍勃和朱迪沃格尔(系校友), 英国威廉希尔中文网站, 以及礼来公司本科生研究资助.


今年夏天,该系有10名学生从事分析领域的本科生研究项目, 无机, 合成有机化学和药物化学. 有三名学生和他一起工作. Lampkins. Abby pioneered the synthesis of a first-in-class "smart therapeutic" designed to target, 治疗和检测疾病. 斯蒂芬建立了一种合成方法,以简化合成一个新的β -分泌酶抑制剂家族的前药,用于治疗阿尔茨海默病. 米歇尔读了一本小说, amino acid-derived chemical scaffold for synthesis of a natural product antibiotic.

有两名学生和他一起工作. 托托sapon. 安德里亚和马特都合成了各种含镍和钌的催化剂,用于转移氢化反应,将生物质中提取的廉价化合物转化为有价值的化学品.

Dr. Kaufman had two students, Christina and Dalton, working with him this summer. 他们使用环境电离技术结合串联质谱法来分析水杨科树木表面和叶子内部存在的天然化合物.

Dr. 斯莱德有三个学生在他的实验室工作. 玛吉制造了一系列化合物,她将用这些化合物来开发制造环戊烷的新策略. 杰克逊在开发用于聚合反应的双功能单体方面取得了重大进展. And Nick worked with new methods for controlling the stereocemistry of nucleophilic addition reactions.

All ten students worked for 10 weeks in the lab; funding was provided by 英国威廉希尔中文网站, 化学系(通过校友和教职员工的慷慨捐赠)和礼来公司的本科生研究补助金.