
Gifts to UE's endowment are permanently invested to supply a steady, annual source of funds for the purposes agreed upon by the donor and university.

Many donors choose to create an endowed fund or scholarship- which can be named to honor the donor or loved one. Such gifts tie together the past, present and future: they help preserve the memory of individuals and inspire future generations through lasting support for UE's educational mission.

养老 Opportunities


一所学校, 大学, 或部门 may be named for a donor whose gift establishes an endowment in an amount sufficient to general income equal to approximately 50% of the annual cost of the faculty salaries and instructional supplies budget for that school, 大学, 或部门, except when said gift is an amount of $5,000,000 or more payable in five years or less.


A chair is endowed with a gift of $2,000,000. An endowed chair is a position permanently paid for with the revenue from an endowment fund specifically set up for that purpose. Holding a chaired position is considered to be an honor, and the University of Evansville awards chair holders with an Investiture Ceremony. The donor who establishes the endowed chair is included in the ceremony and celebrations.


An endowed deanship shall provide support and encouragement to the school with which it is associated. All correspondence from the Dean's office or from the University that relate to the Dean's office will make reference to the named 院长职. A gift of $5,000,000 will establish a deanship.


A lecture series requires a gift of $500,000 and can be established in any discipline.


A professorship is endowed with a gift of $1,000,000.


The gift of an endowed scholarship provides the University of Evansville with a permanent asset from which students can receive support. A $50,000 commitment establishes an endowed scholarship. All gifts are invested and scholarships are awarded from the net income. Awards are made annually to deserving students according to the donor wishes and current financial aid policies of the University of Evansville. Naming the endowed scholarship is an opportunity to perpetuate your own interest in the University of Evansville or to recognize or memorialize a loved one, 朋友, 同学, 或业务. All students who receive a named scholarship are made aware that others share a commitment to their education.


An endowed fund in undergraduate research will be used to provide support for student research. The fund can be used for one or more of the following on an annual basis: to provide scholarships support that is above and beyond the students' financial aid package such as summer stipends; student research; books; and equipment and supplies. A minimum of $50,000 is required to establish an endowed fund in undergraduate research.

To establish an 养老 Fund, contact Abigail Werling, Vice President for University Advancement, at am275@mediagate-egy.net or 812-488-2272.