


通过研究和实习, students in UE's 神经科学 program have numerous opportunities to work in the field before graduation, making them more prepared for successful careers after graduation.


学生们有机会竞争奖学金 探索本科研究项目 to conduct projects of their own design during either the school year or the summer with the guidance of a faculty member. Summer grants include a stipend, housing, supplies, and materials. 的 faculty also encourages students to apply for REU positions, which are paid summer research projects at universities around the country.

Students have the option to seek research experiences in many disciplines such as 生物学, 化学, 认知科学, 数学, 神经科学, 和心理学. Student researchers have graduated to do research in the pharmaceutical industry or some other aspect of research in 医学. Several have gone on to medical school at places like 的 Ohio State University, 肯塔基大学, 和印第安纳大学. Still others have entered graduate school to study 神经科学 at Northwestern, 范德比尔特, and University of Oregon or attain certification in a related field. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 行为神经科学实验室.

Students greatly benefit from presenting their research results at mGluRs, the local undergraduate 神经科学 conference which gives them the experience needed to present at national conferences such as 神经科学学会, 国际行为神经科学学会,和 国际发展心理学学会. 学生们还在研究期刊上发表文章. 的 experience of presenting scientific findings prepares students for graduate school, but also provides them the opportunity to network with potential employers, 研究生导师或医学院教授. Meeting professionals in the field also helps student discover their path – academic, 工业或医药.

CNS研究组和Nu Rho Psi

认知与神经科学(CNS)研究组 is a student/faculty organization that is both social and academic in its orientation. Its primary purpose is to foster the cross-fertilization of ideas by providing a forum for sharing details of various research projects around campus and discussing recent developments in the scientific literature. 进行研究项目的学生, 大学教师, and members of the scientific community have the opportunity to discuss their work in an interdisciplinary context among interested students and faculty. Previous discussions have stemmed from the following fields: anthropology, 艺术治疗, 人工智能, 生物学, 化学, 语言学, 数学, 医学, 音乐, 神经科学, 哲学, 心理学, 和机器人.


Nu Rho Psi, 的 Honors Society for 神经科学, Alpha in Indiana Chapter invites graduate and undergraduate men and women who are making the study of 神经科学 one of their major interests and who meet the other academic qualifications. Nu Rho Psi is also open to qualifying 神经科学 faculty and alumni of 神经科学 programs. 成为会员的条件包括:

  • 主修或副修神经科学专业
  • 完成至少三个学期的大学课程
  • Completion of at least 9 semester hours of 神经科学-related courses
  • 本科累计GPA 3.2,平均绩点不低于3.神经科学课程5分

CNS Research Group and NRP work together to hosts is a trip to a surrounding graduate/medical school during the spring semester and participates in outreach activities with local high school and elementary school students. 的se groups maintain Facebook and LinkedIn groups where members can communicate on topics of related interest.


UE stresses the value of real-world experiences as they help students decide on their educational goals and future career. 作为选修课, students have the opportunity to tailor their experience to satisfy their specific goals.



Ibukunoluwa Araoye

Ibukunoluwa Araoye

在离开尼日利亚来到英国威廉希尔中文网站之前, Ibukunoluwa Araoye经常被问到, “为什么问题?" His response shows the careful thought he puts into all he does. "I wanted a college with an environment that provided personal attention in the classroom as well as opportunities to be involved in outside activities. 我做了正确的决定. 我的教授了解我和我的兴趣, and I am also able to participate in intramural soccer and football, 国际集市, 并在不同的校园活动中弹钢琴."

Ibukunoluwa's choice of a major reflects his future career goal. “我想成为一名神经外科医生, and I believe that 神经科学 will help me in my course work and in my future interaction with patients. 的 心理学 courses required for the 神经科学 degree provide a foundation in understanding human nature — personality, 行为, 以及人们以某种方式思考的原因. This will help me be a physician who can present information to my patients in ways that makes them comfortable in asking questions. I want them to understand different treatment options for their diagnosis."

完成一次实习, Ibukunoluwa knows the time commitment and hard work he still has ahead. “我在哥伦布的一家传染病诊所实习, 乔治亚州, 当我在那里的时候, I was also able to shadow a neurosurgeon in a clinic and in the operating room. I am looking forward to my next internship where I will gain even more experience. 我很高兴我在学习中很早就完成了第一篇论文. 我看到了挑战,但我也看到了最终目标."