Update - April 2, 2020

Positive COVID-19 Diagnosis

We understand the current work and/or teaching environment is not optimal, but we are confident that your dedication to the University will keep our campus operational and continue to provide the best for our students and our community. We are committed to providing timely updates and clear information regarding your work and safety. The following is important information regarding UE campus public health.

The University of Evansville has been notified that an employee who works in Olmsted Administration Hall has tested positive for COVID-19. The employee was last on campus Thursday, March 26. Other employees with whom the individual was in direct contact are being notified and will be instructed to self-quarantine until Thursday, 4月9日. The impacted offices, restrooms, and other relevant areas in Olmsted have been sanitized in accordance with the recommendations of the CDC.

Employees who work in Olmsted and have been granted approval to continue “essential” work from their offices, will be given additional directions from their respective vice-president. All employees are encouraged to continue practicing the recommendations from the CDC on how to protect yourself. Should you be exposed to a positive diagnosis of COVID-19, be referred for COVID-19 testing, or receive a positive diagnosis for COVID-19, please complete the UE self-reporting online form.

To minimize the risk associated with mail pick-up, additional information will be forthcoming regarding a new processes.

We encourage all employees and faculty to speak directly their area vice-president to answer any questions and provide necessary resources. Thank you for your continued support, patience and understanding.

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