
Attended University of Arizona for undergraduate degree.




I experienced many injuries throughout my many years as an elite gymnast and college athlete, which led me to discover the PA profession as an option in health care. I loved the idea that I could be a provider in any specialty.

为什么UEPA? Or what makes UEPA different from other PA programs?

I was really drawn to the UEPA program because of the welcoming atmosphere the faculty promoted before I was even a student. The application and interview process for PA school can be very nerve wracking.

What do you find is your biggest challenge in being a PA student?

I think the hardest thing for me was figuring out what study routine worked for me. It is important to find the tools and schedule that helps you to be successful (and it takes a bit of trial and error).

Did you do anything that really helped you prepare for PA school?

Balancing college athletics with academics helped to give me the discipline and organizational skills to be successful in PA school. But once you are accepted to a PA program, do not try to study before starting the program. Trust me, you don’t need to do that, you will have plenty of time to study once you begin! 去度假,与家人和朋友共度时光. 放松!

What is your best advice for anyone working on the CASPA application?

尽早完成工作. 请一位导师帮你校对. Write your personal statement about something that is unique to yourself and your life.

If you could go back and give yourself one piece of advice, what would it be?

信息量, 你需要学习的速度, and the number of exams (one after another) with no break in between each is very challenging. There actually is a learning curve for getting better at it. So, don’t get discouraged if you aren’t perfect from day one.

What is the one thing about PA school you weren't prepared for?

I never expected PA school to bring me some lifelong friends. The demands of PA school can be extremely stressful. It can make you feel isolated from the outside world which is very tough on all relationships. Having classmates that you can vent to and spend time with has gotten me through a lot.


这很难,我不想撒谎. 这比我想象的要难,但这是可行的. 知道你并不孤单会有所帮助.


My favorite class was clinical skills because you get to start hands-on procedures. Knowing what a wide range of skills you have in your pocket for clinical is very exciting and encouraging.


我喜欢早起. I wake up, study a bit before I head to the gym to work out. Then it’s off to class for a full day and back home for studying, dinner, and more studying. 我喜欢早睡, 但我承认, the PA exam schedule required many late nights of studying.


My favorite part of PA school are clinical rotations. 与其他供应商合作, learning and discovering new passions in specialties you thought you would never have considered is a lot of fun.


我知道每个人都这么说,但做你自己. Your application and experience got you to this point. Now you just need to show the committee who you are as a person. 要专业和友好,但只要做你自己!

How do you balance school and other aspects of your life?

I wake up early to make sure I get done what needs to get done - like studying or assignments. I focus on one thing at a time, so I don’t get overwhelmed. Then I make sure to make time to take care of myself by doing things I love with undivided attention like working out or hanging out with friends. I do take one day of the weekend without doing any school to make sure I am recharged for the next week. 如果你从学校得到休息,就好好利用!!

What is your favorite thing about the clinical year?

我有机会做了几次轮岗. I loved getting to experience with amazing preceptors in different areas of the country. I also love getting to do a rotation in a specialty of my choice along with all the other core rotations.

你想学什么专业? 为什么?

I truly have not made a decision on my specialty yet. 我非常喜欢整形外科、皮肤病学和外科. I even really liked OB/GYN and pediatrics (which surprised me!). I'll just say, I know which specialties are not for me.


每个临床轮转都是不同的, but I was very lucky to have preceptors that were great teachers and involved me in every aspect of patient care. Most of the time I would wake up early to get about an hour of studying in before starting the workday. Often times you work Mon-Fri 8-5, focus on applying your knowledge to real life scenarios. 回家后放松一下,重新充电. One day of the weekend I take a few hours to study for the End of Rotation exam, 做练习题, 或者完成作业.